Visitor Event Training

Event directors are responsible for understanding their roles in an emergency impacting the University of Miami and are required to complete an online emergency preparedness orientation on an annual basis. Directors are also responsible for ensuring all of their paid and volunteer staff working at a University of Miami facility are familiar with the University’s emergency plans and procedures. All emergency information can be accessed from the University’s Emergency Preparedness website at Directors and their staff should also confirm that the University of Miami Office of Emergency Management has their correct contact information to receive all Emergency Notification Network alerts by emailing or calling 305-284-8005.

Follow the steps below to access the required online emergency preparedness orientation:

1. Open an Internet-connected web browser.
2. Access the course via Google Drive.
3. When you have finsihed reviewing the course, be sure to take the final exam via Google Form. The link is also included in the course modules.
4. Your final exam score will be sent to the Office of Emergency Management for record keeping. Please also save a screen capture of your final exam score for your records.
5. If you have any trouble accessing the course or exam, contact the Office of Emergency Management at or 305-284-8005.
