Concerning Behavior

Disruptive Behavior: Communications (verbal or written) or actions which prevent or significantly impair effective workplace or classroom activities, but do not threaten personal safety.

Harassing Behavior: Unwanted, unwelcome, and uninvited behavior that threatens, intimidates, demeans, alarms, annoys, or puts a person in fear for their safety.

Threatening Behavior: An expressed or implied imminent threat to harm an individual(s) that causes a reasonable fear that personal harm is about to occur.

Psychological Crisis: An individual who is in an abnormal state of mind that may result in imminent harm to himself/herself or others, such as a state of extreme anger, panic, or depression.

Suicide Threat: A verbal or written statement indicating an individual’s plan to harm himself/herself.

Action Guidelines

In Response to Disruptive Behavior:

  • Do not ignore disruptive behavior.
  • Consider discussing your concerns with the individual.
  • Document exactly what you are concerned with, what you witnessed or heard, read, etc.
  • Keep evidence that supports your concern.
  • Notify University officials

In Response to Harassing/Threatening Behavior:

  • Decide whether it is best to evacuate, shelter-in-place, or avoid area.
  • Call 911 or your campus emergency number.
  • If needed, signal to someone that you need help.
  • Do not engage in conversation or arguments.
  • Do not attempt to physically detain anyone.
  • Listen/ watch attentively.
  • Document or try to remember as much as possible:
    • Write physical descriptions of individuals (clothing, physique, accent, etc.) and vehicles (make, model, color, license plate, etc…).
    • Write what is happening, noting actions, locations, and items. If important property, data, or research is threatened, secure the most high-value resources as best as possible, if it is safe to do so.

In Response to Psychological Crisis/Suicide Threat:

  • Take all threats seriously.
  • Monitor the person making the threats from a safe distance.
  • Do not try to approach or reason with the person making threats.
  • Call 911.
  • Stay in a safe area until emergency responders arrive.
  • Provide information to emergency responders.


Emergency Guide Home
Reporting an Emergency Evacuation
Important Phone Numbers Shelter-In-Place
Emergency Notification Individuals with Disabilities
Active Shooter/Armed Intruder Hurricane
Bomb Threat Medical
Concerning Behavior Suspicious Activity
Explosion Utility Failure
Fire Weather
Hazardous Materials
Crime Prevention Personal Preparedness
