Crime Prevention

Personal Safety Tips

  • Use common sense: If something doesn’t look or feel right, it probably isn’t. 
  • Always be aware of your surroundings: Continually look and listen to what’s going on around you.
  • Show that you’re confident: Walk with a sense of purpose, keep your head up, and make eye contact.
  • React to potential problems before they can develop: Don’t wait for an uncertain or uncomfortable situation to go wrong; leave, call police, or take other protective actions.
  • Educate yourself: Take time to review personal safety information from an accurate and trustworthy source; consider a self-defense class. Visit for more information.

Property Safety Tips 

  • Never leave property unattended: The majority of crime on campus involves the theft of unattended or unsecured property; you can’t be a victim if you don’t create the opportunity.
  • Always lock everything: Lock your property in a secure area, lock your door, your car, your bicycle, and anything else you have with a lock on it.
  • Never leave anything visible inside your vehicle: If somebody walking by your car can see property inside, they may break the lock or a window and take it.
  • Record serial numbers: Keep a record of serial numbers, models, brand names, and a description of all of valuables in case they are ever lost or stolen.
  • Report, report, report: Report all thefts and all suspicious activity to Police/Security/Campus Safety officials; the problem is unknown unless you report it!


Emergency Guide Home
Reporting an Emergency Evacuation
Important Phone Numbers Shelter-In-Place
Emergency Notification Individuals with Disabilities
Active Shooter/Armed Intruder Hurricane
Bomb Threat Medical
Concerning Behavior Suspicious Activity
Explosion Utility Failure
Fire Weather
Hazardous Materials
Crime Prevention Personal Preparedness
