Personal Preparedness

Be Informed

Knowing what to do before, during, and after an emergency is a critical part of being prepared. Understand some of the hazards that South Florida is vulnerable to:

  • Extreme Weather
  • Floods
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Hurricanes
  • Pandemics
  • Radiological Events
  • Terrorism
  • Utility Failures

Some of the basic protective actions are similar for multiple hazards, and now is the best time to learn more about the effects of these hazards and how you should respond.

Make a Plan

Develop a family emergency plan. Use the emergency planning templates at Ready South Florida or to outline how you will get to a safe place, contact one another, get back together, and what you will do in different situations.

Build a Kit

Build a kit with these essential disaster items to ensure your basic needs are met during the first 48-72 hours after a disaster:

  • Water – one gallon per person per day for at least three to seven days
  • Non-Perishable Food – at least a three to seven day supply
  • Flashlight – with extra batteries
  • Emergency Radio – battery-powered or hand crank
  • First Aid Kit – including medication and prescription drugs for at least 2-weeks
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Whistle
  • Sanitizer – moist towelette or liquid
  • Multi-Tool / Tool Kit
  • Tarp or plastic sheeting and duct tape
  • Plastic garbage bags
  • Important Documents – in a weatherproof container
  • Cash
  • Special items-for infants, children, elderly, persons with functional needs, and pets

More information about how to build a kit can be found at Ready South Florida and Pre-made kits designed for students can be ordered from the American Red Cross.


Get involved before a disaster strikes! Here are a few ways you can help make the community more resilient to disasters:

Learn more about University-sponsored initiatives at Being ready for a disaster starts with you. Take these basic steps, and when a disaster strikes be a survivor, not a victim.


Emergency Guide Home
Reporting an Emergency Evacuation
Important Phone Numbers Shelter-In-Place
Emergency Notification Individuals with Disabilities
Active Shooter/Armed Intruder Hurricane
Bomb Threat Medical
Concerning Behavior Suspicious Activity
Explosion Utility Failure
Fire Weather
Hazardous Materials
Crime Prevention Personal Preparedness